UAE weather: Summer to end today, autumn to bring cooler temperatures

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The finish to the UAE’s mid year is only days away, with the nation expected to change into the harvest time season soon. According to galactic computations, the fall season starts on Friday, September 23.

The Emirates Stargazing Society said the harvest time equinox will occur at 5.04am around the same time.

This denotes the beginning of the fall season. Days and evenings will be of equivalent length, and that implies that dawn and nightfall will be at almost similar times in the first part of the day and night, separately. As the season advances and the nation changes into winter, evenings will turn out to be longer, and days more limited.

Ibrahim Al Jarwan, executive, top managerial staff, Emirates Stargazing Society, said in a new tweet that temperatures will run between highs of 40°C and 20°C during the pre-winter season. In the desert, the mercury will plunge to underneath 20°C, he said.

The Suhail star rose at day break on August 24, denoting a finish to the boiling summer heat. It flagged the UAE’s change to harvest time. “Progressively, the temperatures will descend,” Hasan Al Hariri, Chief, Dubai Cosmology Gathering, told Khaleej Times in a new meeting.

The weather conditions has begun chilling off, and families are wandering outside in the nights. The nation has been seeing weighty rains and hail throughout the course of recent days, with more estimate.

However the UAE sees bright environment throughout the entire year, it has harvest time, winter and summer seasons. Temperatures commonly decrease during fall, clearing a path for cooler climate later in the year.