UAE teens invent wheelchair controlled by smart glove, DIY microscope

The Dubai Lands: Ali Humaid Alloghani, 13, has always had a flair for invention and creativity. He showed off a remote-controlled wheelchair at the most recent UAE Innovates event. He made this out of pieces of an old toy.

A smart glove may be used to control the wheelchair remotely. Thus, for instance, if someone is seated and requires his wheelchair, he doesn’t require assistance from others to provide it to him. With the smart glove, he can command the wheelchair to come to him.

Ali was among a number of young, creative people showcasing their work at the UAE Innovates exhibition, which just ended at the Boulevard of the Emirates Towers. The government, business community, and people have been working to help build a pervasive culture of innovation over the last month, and today marks the completion of that effort. The kids participate in the Emirates Science Club (ESC), which inspires kids to create and invent.

Ali stated that he has been a member of the ESC for more than seven years and that his career goals are to become a scientist and astronaut.

“I have made 14 projects since I joined the club when I was six years old,” he stated. Here, I’m showcasing four more of my inventions. One is a medical bot that is capable of interacting and consulting with patients worldwide. I also have a sustainable electric charging system that uses renewable energy to generate the power required to charge automobiles, as well as a smart ship accident prevention system that also serves as a ship pollution prevention system by catching pollutants.