Abu Dhabi: 50 stones removed from 75-year-old grandfather’s bladder

Specialists in Abu Dhabi have brought a grin back on the substance of a 75-year-old Yemeni granddad subsequent to eliminating 50 stones comparing 3.5cm from his bladder.

Father to 12 youngsters and granddad to 60 grandsons, Mohammed Sulaiman Abdullah, drove a cheerful everyday life in Yemen. Nonetheless, he battled with determined stomach torment and confronted trouble peeing for north of a year. Be that as it may, he disregarded his wellbeing and didn’t counsel a specialist.

A UAE inhabitant from 1973 till a couple of years prior, Abdullah got back to visit his child in Abu Dhabi last December. It was then that his agony disturbed, and he was unable to pee.

He visited an emergency clinic, where a catheter was put in his bladder to discharge the pee. He was informed that an expanded prostate and a few bladder stones muddled his case. He kept involving the catheter for north of two months until the family took him to Burjeel Hospital in Abu Dhabi.

After the imaging tests affirmed his condition, Abdullah went through a mind boggling set of medical procedures – prostatectomy, cystolithotomy and cystotomy – to eliminate 50 stones running 8mm to 3.5cm in size during an extended technique.

“I never felt that the minor agony would advance to turn into a confounded condition. I ignored the torment accepting that it was a result of my advanced age. However, when I created pee maintenance, I was left with a catheter for over two months. At the point when the specialist let me know I needed to go through a medical procedure, I became miserable,” Abdullah said.

In any case, having gone through years in Abu Dhabi, Abdullah was sure about the medical services framework in the capital.

“Dr Manaf Al Hashimi was outstandingly useful. He made sense of my condition and the technique obviously. My family and I were persuaded and decided to continue with the technique right away,” Abdullah added.

Dr Al Hashimi, clinic’s expert urologist, said Abdullah had long-standing obstructive urinary side effects in view of the extended prostate.