UAE’s lowest temperature dips to 16°C: Have you felt the evening, morning chills?

The harvest time season will go on for two additional months in the UAE even as crisp nights and foggy mornings are being capable by occupants.

That is as per Dr Ahmed Habib from the Public Focal point of Meteorology (NCM), who on Thursday told Khaleej Times, “Somewhat cool climate and that touch in the air will go on the nation over with chances of haze development in specific regions.”

“We are still in the harvest time season. The temperature around evening time is descending and certain individuals might feel moderately chilly, yet it’s not as yet winter. The base temperature recording currently is between 23 to 27 degrees Celsius. Yet, during winter this goes down further.”

Making sense of the harvest time temperature progress between summer intensity and winter cold where the weather conditions improves, turning out to be warm and sticky around evening time with high temperatures during the day, he adds: “During the fall season, temperature diminishes normally. Thus, the colder time of year season begins from December 23 and that is when fall closes. We actually have two additional months of the fall season.”

“By and by, Rakhna regions in Al Ain recorded the most minimal temperature of 16 degrees Celsius today (Thursday). However, this region has a few extraordinary qualities and is a piece different to different pieces of the UAE. In this way, the temperature there is dependably lower when contrasted with different regions in the country.”

According to clarifying on the elements that lead to this situation, he, “The region is impacted by specific circumstances like breeze speed and mugginess among others. Rakhna isn’t bumpy, it’s an open region yet because of the said factors temperature there is lower. The region likewise has a ton of trees and Easterly and South easterly breezes effect and lead to the decrease in temperatures there. For the most part, the hilly areas like Jebel Jais record the least temperatures during cold weather months.”

This (fall) season encounters high relative dampness toward the beginning of the day with temperatures staying high during the day and haze arrangement during early morning hours.

Habib brings up, “Throughout the following multi week, the UAE we will see stable weather patterns. We’ll observer stickiness expanding around evening time and there are chances of mist development in specific regions. The greatest temperature in the country during the daytime, as a general rule, will be between 35-41 degrees Celsius and the base temperature will be between 22 to 27 degrees Celsius.”