The Dubai Crown Prince has given a goal dropping the expenses forced on carrier specialists and workplaces.
The expense abrogation is material to carrier specialists, workplaces and branches working in Dubai, according to the choice gave by Sheik Hamdan canister Mohammed container Rashid Al Maktoum.
The Resolution drops charges required on carrier specialists and their branches, and aircraft workplaces working in the emirate, which were forced in accordance with guidelines gave on March 12, 1985 and Resolution No. (4) of 1998.
The Resolution additionally invalidates the guidelines gave on twelfth March 1985 and Resolution No. (4) of 1998 relating to charges collected on carrier specialists, as well as the arrangements of whatever other goal that goes against the arrangements of Resolution No. (32) of 2022.
The new Resolution is viable from its date of its issuance and will be distributed in the Official Gazette.